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こんにちは! お元気ですか?(Hello! How are you?)

Lol! Shall tell you why later I use Japanese to start my post! =P

It was a hot hot hot day! Walked all the way from high street via Central to the venue!

Well, special thanks to @hpility (Hong Peng), I received the invitation to join him and other bloggers at the #SBA2011 (Singapore Blog Awards 2011) organised by at Shanghai Dolly!2011-07-23 13.54.34

2011-07-23 13.54.21

The men in suits doing their work!

2011-07-23 13.57.572011-07-23 14.24.22

Wow, atas feel! First time I step into a club! The feeling is just like how I voted for the first time this year! Excited!!!




Early birds got door gift!!!

2011-07-23 14.34.09

Photo time!!! (credits William)


Oh yah, here is the reason why I started with Japanese, because I got to know a Japanese lady! : 281834_10150333229297953_767652952_9332234_7476172_n

The Host for the Day

2011-07-23 15.26.50

Food reception! Pizzas!_DSC0033


Didn’t really snap a lot of the proceedings! Haha. Really enjoying the program! They did a skit! Plus giving out awards for the winner each of the categories (list on SBA’s website).

Then, they had a mini fashion contest. The best dressed with the most votes get to win good prizes! (credits


The event ended soon at 5pm. I stayed back and mingle with some of the bloggers! =) I think I shall end off with this photo of Yongwei!



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